Mt. View ALC Syllabus

Class Description for the Academic Learning Center (ALC)
2018-2019 School Year
Kyla Zaworski
503-356-2660 Ext. 6017

 Welcome to the 2018-2019 school year here at Mountain View Middle School’s Academic Learning Center (ALC) classroom. The ALC is a specialized program which provides specially designed instruction and necessary related services in all developmentally appropriate academic areas through the modification of grade level curriculum and instruction.

 The following strategies are incorporated with minimal support to increase student success:

• Modified academic curriculum
·         Specific curriculums used in the ALC include Read Naturally, Edmark, Touchmath and Key to Math.
• Classroom visual supports
·         Academic and behavioral visual cues are used throughout the classroom, and grade level visual schedules are used to assist students with transitions.
• Reduced class size
·         The teacher to student ratio in the ALC is 1:4
• Reduced instructional pace
·         Students will receive specially designed instruction in all academic areas at their instructional level and individual pace.
• Functional routines curriculum
·         Students will have multiple opportunities to develop functional routines throughout their day, such as cleaning and staying organized, preparing meals, and interacting appropriately with people in our community.
• Life-skills curriculum
·         Students will have opportunities to perform a variety of helpful life skills tasks throughout the week, including making copies, cleaning the classroom and other areas around the school, shopping for ingredients and practicing basic cooking and kitchen safety skills.
• Social skills development
·         Students will attend their grade level elective classes, such as PE, music, choir, art or technology. They will also have many opportunities to get out and start developing relationships with their peers, as well as other teachers throughout the school.

The Academic and Behavior Learning Targets for the ALC classroom will depend on your student’s academic and behavioral IEP goals. My assistants and I will work together to deliver and provide the specially designed instruction to help your student progress towards their goals. Students will also receive related services, such as speech, occupational therapy or adaptive PE to meet the needs detailed in their IEPs. Grades will be based on modified curriculum at each student’s individual level.

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